Carrie Pratt Wellness


Carrie Pratt M.Ac, Dipl.Ac, CBP, CMT

Unleash Your Inner Wellness: Natural Healing on the Main Line 

Looking to ditch the aches, boost your energy, and radiate health from the inside out? I’m Carrie Pratt, a licensed acupuncturist and your guide to holistic wellness on the Main Line in Pennsylvania.

For over 20 years, I’ve helped clients achieve life-changing results by combining the power of:

  • Acupuncture: Targeting specific points to reduce inflammation, improve sleep, and increase energy.
  • Movement Therapies: Utilizing Kripalu Yoga and MELT Method to enhance flexibility and body awareness.
  • Energy Medicine: BodyTalk, Resonance Repatterning and EFT to address underlying imbalances for holistic healing.

I’m more than just a practitioner – I’m a passionate advocate for clean living and natural health solutions.

Ready to ditch the dis-ease and embrace whole-body wellness?

Contact me today for a free consultation!

My Passion

Unmasking Triggers & Empowering Choice

Have you ever reacted in a way that surprised you, feeling like a stranger took over? We all experience those moments – triggered by situations that tap into old emotional patterns.

My passion lies in helping people identify these “triggering events.” These are the moments that pull us back into outdated ways of reacting, often leaving us feeling frustrated and out of control.

Through a combination of acupuncture, energetic modalities, and self-awareness techniques, I guide clients to:

  • Recognize triggers: We’ll work together to understand the root causes behind your reactions.
  • Shift your energy: Techniques like acupuncture and energy work can help break the cycle of negative responses.
  • Empower your choice: You’ll gain the tools to respond consciously, rather than reacting impulsively.

My goal is to equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate life’s challenges with greater self-awareness and empowered choice.


My Mission:

Unleash Your Freedom & Passion

I believe everyone deserves to live a life overflowing with freedom, passion, choice, and clarity. My mission is to empower you to achieve just that.

Through a holistic approach that combines acupuncture, energy medicine, and self-awareness practices, I’ll guide you to:

  • Identify limiting patterns: We’ll work together to uncover the hidden beliefs and past experiences that hold you back.
  • Embrace your authentic self: By clearing these energetic blockages, you’ll reconnect with your true essence and inner wisdom.
  • Empower your choices: You’ll gain the tools and confidence to make decisions aligned with your values and desires.
  • Ignite your passion: Unburdened by limitations, you’ll discover a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.

Imagine life with the freedom to pursue your goals, fueled by passion and guided by clarity. That’s the transformation I help my clients achieve.