Carrie Pratt Wellness

Work With Me

Root Cause Protocol Consult

Unleash Your Body’s Natural Healing Power: Explore the Root Cause Protocol (RCP)

Tired of battling fatigued, anxious, tired and stressed?  The Root Cause Protocol (RCP) offers a revolutionary, holistic approach to health restoration. This system unveils the hidden culprit behind many chronic conditions: mineral imbalances.

Poor diet, stress, and environmental toxins can all deplete essential minerals, leading to a domino effect on your well-being. The RCP goes beyond symptom management – it addresses the root cause by:

  • Identifying mineral deficiencies: Through specialized testing, we uncover the specific minerals your body lacks.
  • Personalized plan: I work with you to tailor the RCP to your unique needs, addressing imbalances and restoring optimal mineral levels.
  • Natural solutions: The RCP leverages the power of whole foods, targeted supplementation, and lifestyle adjustments to achieve lasting results.

Ready to reclaim your energy, radiant skin, and overall vitality? The Root Cause Protocol empowers your body’s natural healing potential, paving the way for a healthier, happier you. Contact me today to learn more about the RCP and start your journey toward optimal wellness!

Wellness Sessions

A Wellness Session is a combination of the following modalities and is based on what your body needs. It may also include herbal and vitamin recommendations

Resonance Repatterning

Discover where in your life you are resonating with destructive patterns or beliefs and work to shift those resonances so you can heal , grow and align with your higher life purpose.

Energy Medicine

Integrated practice of energy medicine with Acupuncture or Acupressure. Works with your bodies Meridian system and Qi to discover where there is a blockage in flow.


Discover where your body's communication has stagnated and created health challenges. Reconnect through this energy work and balance your system.

Session Pricing

Book a free 15 minute consultation below

Plan for about 2 hours. Thorough Intake and assessment.  
60 minutes:   $180.00
30 minutes:    $95.00

Frequently Asked Questions

The Root Cause Protocol (RCP) is a holistic approach to restoring health by addressing mineral imbalances in the body. The protocol was developed by Morley Robbins, a health educator who has spent over a decade researching the role of minerals in human health.

In RCP we believe that mineral imbalances are the root cause of many chronic health conditions. These imbalances can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet, stress, and environmental toxins.

The RCP aims to restore mineral balance in the body by emphasizing the importance of consuming nutrient-dense foods and avoiding foods that deplete minerals. The protocol also recommends supplementing with specific minerals, in order to support the body’s natural healing processes.

In addition to dietary recommendations, the RCP also includes lifestyle changes such as reducing stress, getting plenty of restful sleep, and avoiding exposure to environmental toxins.

As a Consultant, I help you to tailor the protocol to your specific needs in order to help you overcome low energy, fatigue, and inflammation.  To more specifically pinpoint where we need to work, I will use Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and Blood tests to assess your mineral status in order to understand the key minerals needed to optimize energy and increase vitality.  I will also work with clients to understand their stress profile and how it is affecting their wellbeing.

The RCP has gained a following among those seeking natural solutions to chronic health problems, and many individuals have reported significant improvements in their symptoms after implementing the protocol. However, it is important to note that the RCP is not a substitute for medical care and should be used in conjunction with guidance from a qualified healthcare practitioner.

Your session will be tailored to you and what your body/mind needs.  I will use a remote muscle testing technique to uncover where your session will lead.  It may involve using acupressure points, answering questions, repeating statements and using color, light therapy or tapping techniques to change or shift your energy field.  

Though many people receive great benefit and often insight from these sessions, I am licensed as an acupuncturist, not as a therapist.  If you feel you need therapy, please contact a licensed therapist or consult with your doctor. 

Make sure you have filled out the pre-session paperwork.  You will want to be in comfortable clothes that you can move in.  Try to find a quiet place where you can move around or lie down and relax.